Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ways in which company directors leave a board

Ways in which company directors leave a board

1. Death

2. Resignation
  • Directors can leave the board if they resign by notice in writing.

3. Failure to seek re-election
  • When they are required by the retirement by rotation provision in company constitutions to seek re-election, but they decide not to offer themselves for re-election.

4. Voted out
  • Directors being nominated for re-election at an AGM, but members voted against their re-election.
  • Directors can also be removed from office by ordinary resolution at an AGM of which special notice has been given to the company.

5. Disqualification
  • Disqualified by legislation or court
  • Become bankrupt
  • Enter arrangement with creditors 
  • Become unsound mind.
  • Commission of serious offence in connection with management of company

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