Sunday, November 18, 2012

Three Kohlberg levels

At the preconventional level of moral reasoning, morality is conceived of in terms of rewards, punishments and instrumental motivations. Those demonstrating intolerance of regulations in preference for self-serving motives are typical preconventionalists.

At the conventional level, morality is understood in terms of ompliance with either or both of peer pressure/social expectations or regulations, laws and guidelines. A high degree of compliance is assumed to be a highly moral position.

At the postconventional level, morality is understood in terms of conformance with ‘higher’ or ‘universal’ ethical principles. Postconventional assumptions often challenge existing regulatory regimes and social norms and so postconventional behaviour is often costly in personal terms.

Level 1: Preconventional level
Stage/Plane 1: Punishment-obedience orientation
Stage/Plane 2: Instrumental relativist orientation

Level 2: Conventional level
Stage/Plane 3: Good boy-nice girl orientation
Stage/Plane 4: Law and order orientation

Level 3: Postconventional level
Stage/Plane 5: Social contract orientation
Stage/Plane 6: Universal ethical principle orientation

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