Thursday, November 15, 2012

Explanation of ‘environmental footprint’

The use of the term ‘footprint’ with regard to the environment is intended to convey a meaning similar to its use in everyday language. In the same way that humans and animals leave physical footprints that show where they have been, so organisations leave evidence of their operations in the environment. They operate at a net cost to the environment. 

The environmental footprint is an attempt to evaluate the size of organisation's impact on the environment in three respects:

Firstly, concerning the company’s resource consumption where resources are defined in terms of inputs such as energy, feedstock, water, land use, etc.

Second, concerning any harm to the environment brought about by pollution emissions. These include emissions of carbon and other chemicals, local emissions, spillages, etc. It is likely that as a chemical manufacturer, both of these impacts will be larger for Chemco than for some other types of business.

Thirdly, the environmental footprint includes a measurement of the resource consumption and pollution emissions in terms of harm to the environment in either qualitative, quantitative or replacement terms.

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